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The sport that is a cross between tennis, ping pong, and badminton! If you are a Pickleball pro or have never played the game before, everyone is welcome!

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Bring $3 cash to play or purchase a membership!



Beginner pickleball is for those that have never played before or have maybe played once or twice casually.  The intent is to introduce people to the rules of the game, the scoring procedure, and general etiquette.   

We will register 4 players for a 3-week session.  The session will run for 2 weeks starting the 2nd week of each month (Wednesdays) from 1:15 to 1:45.  Once the 3-week session is up, attendees may continue in our open pickleball play.  We will begin a new session in September with a fresh new set of 4 players.  The cost of all 3 sessions is $10.  Registration may be completed by contacting Katrina or Todd directly.

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To sign up for Session I or Session II on Saturdays, please click here!

Players may only play in 1 session.  Sessions are capped at 20 people per session.

Healthy Competition + Sportsmanship +Family Friendly Atmosphere= Positive Sports Experience

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Practice Once A Week (Mon-Fri)
Kinder Practices on Saturday Before Game Time
Games on Saturday!

League Schedule
Practices Start December 2
Games on Saturdays:
December 14, 21
January 11, 18, 25
February 1, 8, 15

Optional Practices During Christmas & New Years Weeks
December 23 - January 4
Evaluation Dates
Monday November 11 - Kinder - 2nd Evaluations
Tuesday November 12 - 3rd Grade Boys Evaluations
Thursday November 14 - 3rd - 6th Grade Girls Evaluations
Saturday November 16 - 4th Boys + 5th-6th Grade Boys


3rd - 6th Grade Draft

Saturday, November 23

Coaches Meeting
Sunday, November 17
Coaches App HERE!


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